Popular series I hated

March 11, 2021 The Muse Drop 2 Comments


Disclaimer: Please note that the below article is merely my opinions and not based on any factual evidence. 

So I’m usually open minded when it comes to series, I can watch anything from a scene set in the 1200s to a scene set in the year 3000. I’ve enjoyed history, comedy, medical, legal, thrillers, crime... the list pretty much goes on. However, there are some series (from various genres) that I absolutely hated. Some of them lacked wholesome substance and some of them lacked the essence of enjoyability (in my opinion).

Below are four series that I did not enjoy, not even in the slightest:

1. The Walking Dead
A few episodes in and I just couldn’t continue. I found it to be painfully slow, with no real story line. I heard it picks up after a while but I just couldn’t get myself to sit through a few more episodes. I was never excited to watch it, I would actually dread watching the next episode. A lot of people told me to give it a chance but I really didn’t have the patience for it.
Rating: 3/10

2. Game of Thrones
I know, I know. How could I not like GOT? Apparently it was amazing! I watched the first season TWICE and I even watched season 2. I just could not get into it. I tried, I really tried but I found it way too vile and sick for my liking.
Rating: 2/10

3. Working mums 
I thought this would be a relatable comedy. On the contrary, it’s a bunch of toxic women who are the epitome of selfish. Although it’s a comedy, it’s given me anxiety and it’s also depressed me. This is a terrible show and should not be aimed at new mothers. In fact, this show makes it seem like having kids is the worst thing that can happen. It doesn’t celebrate motherhood, it insults it. The funny thing is, this show gained a lot of traction because people loved it and found it to be very relatable. I thought that I was missing something so I continued to watch it but I found myself getting unnecessarily upset when I watched it.
Rating: 1/10

4. 13 Reasons Why
This was probably one of the most depressing shows I’ve ever watched. It emotionally disturbed me and I couldn’t go past season 1. Suicide needs to be addressed but I didn’t find the way it was addressed to be helpful. A lot of people were of the opinion that suicide was romanticized in the series.
Rating: 1/10

If you love any of these series, I’d absolutely love to hear why and what you loved about it. Share your favourite shows or your least favourite shows.

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  1. I 100% agree with you on Working Moms. While sometimes it was funny. It wasn't very good hey. Definitely made it seem like having kids is the worst thing ever and some parts were just so dumb.

    I've never actually watched Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead, just never caught my attention

    1. Absolutely! I feel like we need good series that doesn't make it seem like being a mom is a bad thing because that can be damaging to many.
