No makeup? Really?

April 23, 2019 The Muse Drop 0 Comments

So recently I came across a blog post that was a no-makeup-for-a-week-challenge. I found it quite interesting because many of us don't like to leave the house without makeup on.

As a teenager, I used to wear eyeliner every single day. Not a day would pass without me wearing some sort of eyeliner. One day, I was too busy stressing for an exam so I ditched the liner and EVERYONE asked me if I was okay because I looked sick and tired (quite literally).

From that day, I made the decision NOT to wear eyeliner just so that people could get used to the real me. I didn't like the fact that people were so used to seeing me with eyeliner that when I didn't wear it, they thought that something was wrong.

Anyway, I only wear makeup on weekends and special occasions now. During the week, you'll see a bare face. I only wear either lipstick or a tinted lip moisturiser. And the only reason I do this is because my lips get dry very easily. 

Thanks to my naturally long, thick lashes, I often get asked whether my lashes are real or whether I'm wearing mascara so that's an added bonus.

Other than that, you won't see any other traces of makeup. Any scars or blemishes left behind by unsightly pimples are on show for anyone to see. 

I'm now so used to leaving the house without makeup, that it doesn't really bother me anymore (up until it's picture time because then I don't want to take pictures).

In fact, when I tell my colleagues about my love story with makeup, they don't believe me (sometimes, they even think that I don't know what I'm talking about because of the total lack of makeup on my face). A couple of pictures later and a quick description of my makeup collection, they believe that I love makeup.

A lot of people who have seen my pictures with makeup on almost cannot believe that it's me. And I do understand why. I look a little different. With the right angles, filters and makeup, anyone is bound to look different.

Also, no makeup tends to make me look a little younger. Of course, I don't mind this. Anything to make me look closer to my twenties and not my thirties. 

The funny thing is that my husband prefers it when I don't wear makeup. I honestly will never understand the male species because I know for a fact that I look better with makeup on. Nonetheless, I'll embrace his opinion because it really does boost my self confidence.

I realised that many a times, we are harder on ourselves than strangers. We think that without makeup, we tend to look weird or odd. Thing is, when strangers see us without makeup, we look normal to them. 

I guess it's important for all of us to embrace our bare faces because when we start hating ourselves, how are we expected to love others?

That being said, I'm always up for weekend and function makeup. And truth be told, I feel so much more confident when my face is baked... I’m human after all!

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